Saturday, September 04, 2010

Redrawing the lines in Maryland
Baltimore Sun Editorial - September 5, 2010 

In this timely editorial the author points out how computers have assisted the gerrymandering process - and disadvantaged voters. 
Why is Congress so doggone political?
Item from the Houston Chronicle by Bill King has some of the answers to that question.
King: Gerrymandering to blame for polarizing Congress

My viewpoint is pretty much the same as it has been all along, gerrymandering would be OK if more political ideologies were represented and USA had more Congressional Districts to accommodate the vast assortment of ideologies. Bill King makes some really good points about the results we are all living with these days and he did something I never thought about doing before, he looked up some Primary voting history from gerrymandered districts.

He touches on the problem of being an independent voter and not being allowed to vote in your state primary. And therein lies another problem he did not write about: independent voters are actually part of the problem because we never hear from these voters when it really matters - at the Primary level.

Friday, September 03, 2010

Truth in ballot language required in Florida

The Gainesville Sun - Editorial tells how the court settled the matter.
Fooling the voters

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It's not the size of the dog in the fight that matters........ it's the size of the fight in the dog that determines the winner. Mark Twain