Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Issue 2 backers say GOP mailer is false

Issue 2 backers say GOP mailer is false

blank check for the commission, how commission members are chosen, how commission members could be removed are part of Voters First complaint filed with the Ohio Elections Commission over Issue 2.

Please vote Yes on issue 2

Library of Congress unveils new bill-tracking site

Library of Congress unveils new bill-tracking site to replace THOMAS - The Hill's Hillicon Valley offers a host of improvements over the old service. The site is now accessible on mobile devices and features live and archived video
of floor debates. 

Monday, September 17, 2012

How Republicans handled redistricting last year in OH

Ohio Republican Party Lied to Reporter During Secret Redistricting Process

from this item:
"Over the next few months you’re going to hear a lot of distortion and misinformation coming from Republicans about the redistricting reforms being proposed by Issue 2 / Voters First, but the main question you need to ask is this:  do you want an independent panel of citizens drawing competitive districts?  Or a bunch of partisan hacks hiding in secret bunkers and drawing gerrymandered districts that favor their own party – all while lying to the press?
PlunderBund (

Ohio Needs Redistricting Reform

Mike Curtin on Why Ohio Needs Redistricting Reform

F.A.Q. about Issue 2


If you can, print this one page q&a about the redistricting reform amendment you will be voting for in November. Make a copy for a friend or neighbor while you are at it.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Primary winners and losers list

More Republican lawmakers than Dems defeated in 2012 primary season - The Hill - covering Congress, Politics, Political Campaigns and Capitol Hill |

article by Emily Goodin  Sept. 16, 2012 The Hill
... With the nominating season wrapped and the general election begun, here's a final list of the lawmakers who lost, retired, or resigned in the 2012 cycle......

Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Follow This

The Voting Wars | Election Law Blog

Rulings in Texas against discrimination

Last Tuesday, a panel of federal court judges ruled that new district maps drawn by Texas' Republican-controlled legislature weakened the influence of Latino voters and in some cases evinced "discriminatory intent" against both Latinos and African Americans. Two days later, another panel of federal judges ....... read more...
Five Ways Courts Say Texas Discriminated Against Black and Latino Voters - ProPublica

Let Voters Have One Husted

Husted bars local election officials from setting early voting hours pending appeals court decision |

SOS Husted as a resident of OH I am asking you to stop the appeal of the early voting case. Your party has asked the court to reversel a decision that clearly favored voters. I think you and your party should be happy with that decision.

Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Ohio Voters Issue 2 Information

The ins and outs of redistricting

With the fight over Issue 2 starting up, here’s what to know for Nov. 6

by Jim Siegel Sept 3, 2012 Columbus Dispatch

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It's not the size of the dog in the fight that matters........ it's the size of the fight in the dog that determines the winner. Mark Twain