Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Surprise from Gov. Kasich

Kasich Calls For Dramatic Reform To Congressional Redistricting

By Andy Chow  Dec. 23, 2015

While looking back at the state’s accomplishments in 2015, Gov. John Kasich came out with a firm stance to reform redistricting both in Ohio and nationally. 
Gov. John Kasich said he wants to see dramatic reform to the way voting districts are drawn to stop the practice known as gerrymandering, where a district heavily favors one political party.
Kasich says gerrymandering is forcing politicians to take up more extreme stances.
“It doesn’t matter whether you’re a Republican or a Democrat, I think we need massive…I think we need to eliminate gerrymandering, we gotta figure out a way to do it, we gotta be aggressive on it and we gotta have more competitive districts. That to me is what’s good for the state of Ohio and what’s good for the country,” said Kasich.
He made this announcement with the House Speaker and Senate President sitting just to his right. The General Assembly helped pass state legislative redistricting, but they’ve pumped the breaks on trying to change the way congressional districts are drawn.
Copyright 2015 90.3 WCPN Ideastream. To see more, visit 90.3 WCPN Ideastream.

Found this article on WOSU Radio web page

Monday, December 07, 2015

Brennan Center Analysis of Evenwel v Abbott

The Impact of Evenwel: How Using Voters Instead of People Would Dramatically Change Redistricting

A big upheaval could be coming for America’s state legislatures. On December 8, the Supreme Court will hear oral argument in Evenwel v. Abbotta closely watched case from Texas that will decide whether states must change the way they draw legislative districts. The new analysis in this paper shows that if the Evenwelchallengers prevail, the nationwide impact will be far greater than previously assumed.
Like other states, Texas currently draws districts so they contain a roughly equal number of people rather than voters. Indeed, over the course of American history districts have overwhelmingly been drawn this way. But the Evenwel challengers say Texas’s legislative plans are unconstitutional because while districts may contain approximately the same number of people, many vary widely in the number of eligible voters.
So far, a lot of the attention around the case has focused on how changing the way districts are drawn would impact fast-growing Latino communities in certain states. And to be sure, some of the biggest changes would be in booming metro areas, such as Dallas, Houston, and Los Angeles, which have high numbers of both children and non-citizen immigrants. Latino majority districts, in particular, would become much harder to draw in many parts of the country.
But this new Brennan Center analysis shows the impact of a change would be far greater than expected and not confined to just a few states. In fact, if the Evenwelplaintiffs win and the rules are changed so lines must be drawn based on citizen voting age population instead of total population:
  • Every state legislative map in the country would become presumptively unconstitutional under Equal Protection principles and would need to be redrawn.
  • Nationwide, 21.3 percent of state house seats and 16.7 percent of state senate seats would be presumptively unconstitutional. In eight states, the percentage of house or senate districts with constitutional problems would be more than 40 percent.
  • Redrawing maps to comply with constitutional requirements would require changing far more districts because of cascade effects from changes elsewhere on the map. 
Read the full analysis here .

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It's not the size of the dog in the fight that matters........ it's the size of the fight in the dog that determines the winner. Mark Twain