Monday, January 25, 2010

Congressional Redistricting - Reform Stalled?
House and Senate Democratic numbers are equally terrible....
Anti-Incumbent Election? Don’t Hold Your Breath
By Stuart Rothenberg, Roll Call Contributing Writer -- CQ TODAY ONLINE NEWS Jan. 25, 2010

Ohio :
Unless reformers can persuade the legislature by Feb. 3 to approve ballot issues that would lead to sweeping changes in the redistricting process, most incumbents from political parties will find themselves in seats they can easily retain when the new districts are drawn up next year by the governor and the legislature.
This year's vote to decide who draws the map
By Jack Torry The Columbus Dispatch - January 25, 2010

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It's not the size of the dog in the fight that matters........ it's the size of the fight in the dog that determines the winner. Mark Twain