Thursday, September 29, 2011

From Statehouse News Bureau  (about Ohio election changes) two items

Democrats sue over Congressional map, 
saying GOP was wrong 
with an attempt to block a ballot move
By Jo Ingles - September 28, 2011

Panel approves maps for Ohio House and Senate lawmakers' districts over Democrat's objection

I'd like to know........ The Ohio Apportionment Board has 4 Republicans and 1 Democrat,
how that is a fair representation of Ohio?   The ratio of Rs to Ds is not 4 to 1 in our state
if you look at the 2008 Governor race... Gov. Strickland barely lost the contest. The
apportionment board should more fairly represent Ohio voters.
Also, this report will tell you that "even some majority members on the board say they want to
change the process..."Well if board members really believe that why didn't they vote with the
lone Democrat? Why did they pass the map first and then complain about the process?  That
is like the man who beats his wife. He knows its wrong but what the heck, nobody stopped

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It's not the size of the dog in the fight that matters........ it's the size of the fight in the dog that determines the winner. Mark Twain