Sunday, July 26, 2015

A Brief Summary of HJR 12

Ohio Legislative Service Commission
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Synopsis of Senate Committee Amendments*
Emily E. Wendel 

Sub. H.J.R. 12
130th General Assembly (As Reported by S. Rules)
Ohio Redistricting Commission

Eliminates a provision specifying that no appointed member of the Ohio Redistricting Commission may be a current member of Congress. 

Requires the Commission, instead of "the members," to set a schedule at the first Commission meeting for the adoption of procedural rules for the operation of the Commission.

Provides that if the Commission is unable to agree, by the required bipartisan vote, on the manner in which funds should be expended, each co-chairperson of the Commission has the authority to expend half of the funds that have been appropriated to the Commission.

Requires the Commission, when it files a General Assembly district plan with the Secretary of State, to do so promptly.

Specifies that four weeks after the adoption of a General Assembly district plan, the Commission must be automatically dissolved, instead of requiring the co- chairpersons of the Commission to jointly dissolve it not more than six weeks after the plan is adopted.
Method of selecting a district plan   .... read more.....  here

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It's not the size of the dog in the fight that matters........ it's the size of the fight in the dog that determines the winner. Mark Twain