Core Documents of U.S. Democracy
Robert Richie Executive Director of the Center for Voting and Democracy discusses voting systems - designer districts - packing and cracking
Frequently Asked Questions about the U.S. Electoral College
Federal Elections Commission The Electoral College brief history
Session Dates of Congress 1st to Current Congress
Congressional Bills Search Access all published versions of bills from the 103rd Congress forward.
Redistricting Resource Center
Distribution of Electoral Votes 1981 - 2010
LAW - Election of Senators and Representatives
Number of Congressional Districts Number of Representatives from each District
Section 2a Reapportionment of Representatives; time and manner; existing decennial census figures as basis;
Section 2b Number of Representatives from each State in 78th and subsequent Congresses
U.S. Code Title 13 - Census
U.S. Code Title 2 - The Congress
List of Electors Bound by State Law and Pledges
Moritz - The Ohio State University College of Law information and insight on the laws governing federal, state and local elections
Two links to United States Code BrowseU.S. Code
United States Code - beta site
RESOURCES - Apportionment Information
Census 2000: Apportionment & Representation
U.S. Census Gateway
Computing Apportionment
HR 1753 Public law 94-171
Electoral College Calculator Try your hand at predicting who will win the next presidential election. You can create your own election results by clicking on a different button in one of three columns, Democrat (D), Republican (R), and Third Party (O).
Since the landmark Supreme Court decisions of the 1960s that established the one-person, one-vote principle, a number of states have shifted redistricting of state legislative district lines from the legislature to a board or commission. National Conference of State Legislatures Redistricting Commissions Overview
Commissions with Primary Responsibility for Drawing a Plan
Congressional Plans
Administration and Cost of Elections Project - ACE Electronic PublicationThis publication contains comprehensive information on various aspects of organising elections and is divided into twelve major topic areas. To access information on apportionment, click on "Boundry Delimination" when the new page opens.
FAQ's - Teaching Resources - Historical Resources - Calculator
UC Irvine - the Center for the Study of Democracy ..provide access to a variety of internet information sources dealing with issues of democratization and democratic politics. The listing includes is broadly international in its content, including both U.S. and international sources.
The Century Foundation Balancing Access and Integrity The Report of The Century Foundation Working group on State Implementation of Election Reform looks at how states can implement future elections in a way that balances ballot integrity with voting rights and accessibility. More...
Project Vote Smart The Voter's Self-Defense protect all of us from the selfish interests that strip us of the most crucial component in our struggle to self-govern -- access to abundant, accurate, and relevant information. read more....
FairVote - National Popular Elections FairVote seeks elections that promote voter turnout, fair representation, inclusive policy and meaningful choices by building on our nation's history of improving upon the American experiment.