Monday, February 20, 2012

I wish my vote mattered to the Ohio Dem leaders

Found this on The Daily
The rigged system of redistricting is quietly reaching new lows of collusion and cronyism in states across the country......Lawmakers Pledge to Reform, But Gerrymandering Keeps Getting Worse
written by John Avlon  Feb. 19, 2012

Here in Ohio my new CD will be #15 after 2012. For the Nov. 2012 election I live in CD #7. The Ohio Republican Party worked out some kind of deal with the Ohio Democratic Party in order to avoid two primaries in 2012 (and also kill the referendum idea the Democrats had). Its a down right dirty rotten shame Ohio voters did not have the opportunity to vote on the matter. So we go another 10 years with our local votes not counting, and our CD votes being useless. The only vote I can cast that might help a candidate is President, Governor and Senator. And some say even those votes are rigged somehow.  

Read all about it on in several articles written by Aaron Marshall 

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It's not the size of the dog in the fight that matters........ it's the size of the fight in the dog that determines the winner. Mark Twain